Careers in Sport
Careers in Sport is our partner for all opportunities within the hugely varied sports sector. Our partnership involves the joint running of events to promote the range of careers within Sports through to helping to map the talents required to be successful across the wide range of job roles. More about Careers in Sport here: www.careers-in-sport.co.uk

My Path Careers
My Path Careers is our partner to help demystify the sometimes confusing world of careers and job roles. Simply presented explanations and case studies bring careers to life and help link educational subjects to real life applications in the work place. An invaluable source of careers information for everyone looking to make life-decisions. More about My Path Careers here: www.mypathcareersuk.com

Note: We are always looking for new partnerships to help promote specific sectors. So if you are experts in a certain sector – please get in touch to see how we can partner.