Naturally Talented Me is the free to use, lifelong, person-centric, SeeMe profiling platform.
Click Here to start building your Free SeeMe ProfileOur Unique Approach
Our unique approach unlocks the Natural Talents that we all possess and maps them to a diverse selection of career options possibly not previously considered.
The ability to present a wide range of different file formats within the platform gives everyone a place to showcase their true potential.
We are changing the way that careers advisors, and employers uncover, assess, and embrace new and diverse talent pools to better align work-based opportunities for everyone, regardless of background or circumstances.
Our approach provides a fresh new way of identifying the right personalities, attitudes and behaviours that are fundamental to the new world of work.
Employers: Pipeline, hire and retain the talent you need:
The world is full of talented people, but it is hard for employers to gauge a person’s full potential just on the basis of a CV. How do you spot essential talents such as ‘ordered’, ‘team player’, ‘problem solver’, ‘creative’ or ‘attention to detail’?
NTM provides the solution. intuitive profiling techniques to help jobseekers identify and promote their natural talents, our platform combines video, imagery and supporting documents to automatically create a three-dimensional visual profile – a SeeMe.
The resulting profile highlight’s an individual’s full potential, helping employers to source and hire new talent more accurately.

Our Services.
From individuals using our free profiling tool to our affordable commercial products designed to support a wide range of employers, community groups, education, regional councils/LEPs and employability and careers initiatives. We have a whole range of services that will support everyone’s needs including:
For Individuals
Being discovered for the natural talents you can offer.
Be matched to new careers never considered before
For Entities
Understand the talent landscape within your company, community, school, etc.
Access data to open proactive and successful conversations and engagements based on talents within your user base.
For Regions
Understand the people landscape and the inhibitors to work across regions to widen service provision and identify how to support with aligned LMI data.
Our Evolution and the Future
Since our launch in May 2020 we have secured a number of county council contracts and deployed Naturally Talented Me across more than 30 schools and colleges – meaning more than 250 SEND learners now have a way to showcase their potential.
Our open platform continues to grow and we are supporting communities of homeless, refugees, ex-offender and over 50s to help them stand out and be found.
The incorporation of ethical AI and Machine Learning will help deliver informed support, signposting and suggestions to our users whilst enhanced reporting is set to deliver fresh insight for our schools, colleges, intervention organisations, employers and councils.
Over 100 Natural Talents Identified
Over 900 Careers matched to Natural Talents
Over 3700 Active Profiles
Naturally Talented Me helped our students to see new potential career options by focussing on their interests, talents and abilities. All of the students enjoyed the process of building their unique profile and came away with new ideas about what the future could hold for them. Many even accessed the profile that evening and came in speaking about it the next day. I would highly recommend NTM to all Schools/students and particularly those with potential barriers to employment.
From my brief but informed experience, Naturally Talented Me has a wide variety of advantages and positive use cases for individuals to explore other career job markets by developing and utilising their hidden talents, hobbies, and interests on a platform that I believe to be user friendly. Also, to create a live current and adaptable profile with pictures and videography with short, based narratives and statements at your own pace, which can enable the natural development and presentation of transferrable skills and talent that would not be possible with a plain old CV.
Therefore, the individual should eventually find and be matched with careers that would suit specific attributes that the individual possesses and gain confidence in presenting themselves to a wider community along with shared interests that give others the inspiration to adopt. In addition, the internet is a valuable tool that enables individuals to control how they are perceived amongst a wider community especially in a professional environment.
This sets a new standard for individuals to sell themselves and recognise and acknowledge previous, past and present achievements and set more realistic goals.
‘It’s a brilliant tool which is directly helping to support young people facing barriers to employment secure their first jobs. We are looking forward to working closely with the team at NTM as the platform develops.’
‘We particularly like the way that individuals can be matched to roles according to their natural talents rather than their experience and qualifications. We envisage it also opening people’s eyes to the range of opportunities within construction’
I believe NTM is an excellent platform to show case student’s natural talent, their transferable skills which can link to employment attributes, especially for those who are facing barriers to employment in securing their first job
We have decided to use Naturally Talented Me at Thriftwood College to help our students focus their thoughts and aspirations about their futures. Deciphering what is the best and most appropriate pathway to follow as a young adult is even more challenging in today’s climate and NTM will help us plan and strategise how best to inform our young people about careers choices that are available to them. NTM is a simple platform to access with engaging processes to follow to help create an eye catching personal profile and lead students/users towards making informed decisions. NTM allows pupils to login to update their profile simply and efficiently and will enable them to give colleges and employers a clearer indication of what skills and strengths they can bring in a more holistic and modern way – the days of the two page black and white CV are coming to an end.