We choose to be a CIC because we wanted to ensure we not only helped those furthest from the jobs market to gain successful careers, but we were able to provide financial support to the key communities we support – SEND, ex-offender, homeless, older workers, ex-military, refugees, NEETs.
As a CIC we commit to re-investing at least 65% of any profits we make back into these communities.
Naturally Talanted Me was set-up to help the most disadvantaged when it comes to securing gainful employment – communities of people who get over-looked or judged based on their label or circumstances.
Not only is it unfair, but it is also a massive waste of amazing talent that employers need to ensure their businesses thrive.
To ensure our platform reaches far and wide into these communities we continually seek out partnerships with organisations that share our vision and mission.
Bounce Back

The Change Foundation

Amber Foundation


Surrey County Council

Essex County Council

Plus, a wide range of special schools, colleges and industry thought-leaders who also share our passion for levelling the playing field.
If you provide support to communities of jobseekers or are a school or college offering careers and employability advice, we’d love to hear from you.